Kundali Bhagya 19th February 2022
The next day, Raghu and Dadi start their journey to Gokulam to attend the marriage of Srikanth. On the way, they meet a few of Srikanth’s friends. While talking to them, Raghu is shown an item from the past, which he shows to Dadi. The item was a gift from Raghu’s father on his birthday when he was a child. It was a cricket bat with the name “Raghu, The episode starts with the family sitting in the living room. Everyone is confused as to why Nandini is not there. Nandini says that she was scared of Baba and went to her room.
Kundali Bhagya Today’s Full Episode Written Update
She tells everyone that her sister-in-law told her that Baba is a bad person and that he is a very old man. She is scared of him and wants to go back to Panchavati. Kishan asks her to stay in the house. The episode starts with Bharti and Amita both coming to meet their parents. They are shocked to see that the family is celebrating a birthday. Their parents try to make it look like they have celebrated their birthday on this day as well. Amita says that she had sent a parcel to her mother, But did not receive any reply. She then tells her mother that she has received the parcel, but has not received any reply from her mother. She also says that the whole family is shocked to know that Rishi has died. Rishi’s son is also shocked to know that his father has died. He rushes to the hospital and asks about his father. He is shocked to see his father dead. He cries in front of the body of his father. Rishi’s wife tells about Rishi’s death to the entire family. She says that she wants justice for her husband and she has asked the police to.