Girl Gives Birth To A Frog Viral Video

Well, at the start of the video, you’ll see a girl lying down with a camera pointed at her tacky cunt, as her lover presses and inserts fingers into her genital to get the frog out of her vulva. However, the boy succeeds in removing a frog from her girlfriend’s front bottom after much agony and delay, “My fel­low South Africans, the video you watched of a frog being removed out of someones has noth­ing to do with Witch­craft!” wrote a Facebook user named Kala­hari William. It’s an Ethiopian fertility rite in which fertility frogs, but predominantly fertility snakes, are used to treat infertility.

Frog Coming Out Of Woman In South Africa

One of my Ethiopian friends taught me this in 2009. This rite is also practiced in areas of Africa, I discovered. Frogs are a symbol of fer­i­til­ity, wa­ter, re­newal, and re­birth for many cultures, including ancient Egypt. Frogs were also a symbol of the midwife goddess Heqit, who was in charge of conception and birth, and Egyptian women would often wear metal amulets in the shape of frogs to enlist her help. Frogs are also linked to pre­dicting weather, curing warts, and preventing epilep­tic seizures, according to “Learn Re­li­gions.” There are some interesting aspects, but there are also strange aspects. The video seems to be distributed on the internet and is getting more views every day. This cannot be explained. A woman who has experienced this can explain how this ended up in her private part. There is no information on the woman in the video, there has been no official comment from the folks who made the film, and the tale will continue to unfold. For more latest updates and information world and trending news stick with TheGossipsWorld.


Video  Woman Gives Birth To A Frog Video  Full Clip Went Viral On Social Media - 35Video  Woman Gives Birth To A Frog Video  Full Clip Went Viral On Social Media - 74Video  Woman Gives Birth To A Frog Video  Full Clip Went Viral On Social Media - 9Video  Woman Gives Birth To A Frog Video  Full Clip Went Viral On Social Media - 54