Bill Bohn Car Accident Incident

We would like to express our deepest condolences and sympathy to the family of the deceased and may his soul rest in peace. The exact location of the crash was stated as 70, one mile west of the intersection of Cty. Hwy. EE in the town of Draper, Sawyer County. Marvin R. Zacharias a 62-year-old man was driving the opposite vehicle and he did not have a lot of injuries. Bill was driving a 2015 Chevrolet Cruze. The highway control immediately started an investigation regarding this matter and they wanted to know the technicalities behind this case.

What Happened With Bill Bohn?

The family was notified of this terrible news and they were really sad and astonished. There is not a lot of information available about his family and his relationship status but most probably he was the only earning individual in the family. Go fund me page was started in his name. And the target was rapidly achieved after a few months to provide financial assistance. According to a biography page, he was working for an architectural company as a carpenter and he was an expert in exterior furniture. The company belong to his uncle and he was living in Norwalk. The family has been following this tradition for many years and he was one of them. We still don’t have any conclusion and it is really disappointing to hear this alert. We will be back with some more updates regarding this case until then stay tuned with our website.


BILL BOHN CAR ACCIDENT INCIDENT  What Happened To Him  Is he Dead Or Still Alive  Injury   Health Condition  - 65BILL BOHN CAR ACCIDENT INCIDENT  What Happened To Him  Is he Dead Or Still Alive  Injury   Health Condition  - 14BILL BOHN CAR ACCIDENT INCIDENT  What Happened To Him  Is he Dead Or Still Alive  Injury   Health Condition  - 75